The 95th Entry of RAF Halton Aircraft Apprentices 1960-63



Summer 1998

The 1998 Reunion Dinner

Saturday 30th May 1998 saw 21 old boys and 16 guests celebrating the second reunion of the 95th Entry with an excellent dinner at the Queens Hotel, Leeds.

Although only a small number attended, the event was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone, who appreciated the warm, intimate atmosphere that only close friends generate when in company. It was particularly pleasing to meet some old friends who were unable to attend the first reunion in 1993. After 35 years, an exceptionally poignant occasion.

The function room was the perfect size, being neither too large nor too small and the "square box" table layout allowed for chatter in all directions. The floral display, proudly placed in the centre of the box, looked reminiscent of a wake - the health of which was toasted several times!!

Thinning hair, shiny pates and spreading outlines gave ample evidence of the passage of time - and that was just the ladies; the lads hadn’t changed a bit! (All lies of course - as usual the ladies put us to shame.)

The Commemorative Window

A pleasant dinner was followed by convivial discussions about the future, with valuable contributions from all quarters. Bill Thornley provided details of the proposed "stained glass" window for St. George’s Church, Halton. A full size draft of the proposed design, surmounted by a "king's crown", provoked a jovial response - we’re not that old surely! Every one agreed to proceed with the proposal provided that a discreet Sycamore was included somewhere in the final design.

Donations received to date amount to £270:00; many thanks to those of you who have contributed thus far. The estimated cost of the project is expected to be approximately £750:00 so now is time to honour the pledges that you have made, as we would like to get the work started as soon as possible. Any excess income over expenditure will be donated to the church, in the entry’s name. It was also agreed that, after the window is installed we should arrange a service of dedication, coupled with a mini reunion/ get together at Halton. Hopefully many of you will be able to attend this event - probably during the year 2000.

Future Reunions

It was agreed that future reunions should retain a similar format of a dinner with partners attending. Many comments were made that, as for Thame in 93, the chosen venue fitted the bill - Qualitas will out tha’ knows!

95th Entry Association

Despite protests, I will continue to take a lesser but active part in future events and I am pleased to announce that I have managed to coerce John Othen, Jeff Bullock, John Cormack and Bill Thornley to help me form a committee to bring about a 95th Entry Association. Our remit will be to organise, plan and execute (no, not the discip NCO’s) future reunion functions - 40th Anniversary in 2003 near Halton (or Coventry or Edinburgh.)

If you pardon the pun, the wheel is turning but it now needs you to keep it rolling. The future of the 95th Entry is in your hands!

The Entry Badge

An entry badge was designed and adopted when we were in 3 wing, do you recall the design, or better still do you have a copy that I might borrow? If there is sufficient interest we could have some shields made up.

40 year reunion – 2003

There are some basic questions to be asked:-

  • Are you in favour?
  • Where should it be held?
  • Any suggestions for filling a weekend?

Revised Addresses

Enclosed is an update on addresses that we know have changed. Please keep in touch and keep the spirit of the 95th Entry alive.

Where are they now?

Attached is a list of the ex-colleagues that we have lost touch with. Can you throw any light on their current whereabouts?

Dates for your diary

  • RAFHAAA Triennial reunion – 26 Sept 1988
  • Dedication service for our stained glass window. To be arranged - probably in the year 2000.
  • 40 year reunion – 2003 (Date and venue to be arranged.

What is wanted from you?

Please respond as the future of 95th Entry reunions is in your hands.

This will be the last contact unless you tell me that you want to receive more newsletters similar to this one. Please let me know either way, if you don’t want any further contact let me know and your wishes will be respected. However it would be nice to have a response to the following: -

  • Confirmation of current addresses and notification of any future changes.
  • Do you support the proposal for a 95th Entry Association? Your views are important please share them.
  • If you haven’t already contributed are you willing to make a donation towards the cost of the stained glass window?


To reduce costs please supply a stamped and addressed A4 envelope if you want to receive more newsletters similar to this.

Qualitas non Quantitas.

Alf Banyard


Contact The 95th Entry
© Copyright Dusty Miller MMIV